July 15-29 Paris, France

By a month following Judi’s surgery, Judi was able to get around well. She was able to drive the car again. So, she felt strong enough to release me to go to Paris to teach a seminar and participate in a summer of service there. On the way over, I stopped for a night in California and visited my 98 year old mother. Then a traveled on to Paris. The first week in Paris a taught a seminar in a University of the Nations course and the evenings and the second week participated in a summer of service in Paris with 130 other people. I also had a couple of opportunities to teach the summer of service participants. The participants worked with the homeless, with refugees, with children, and shared cultural and dance presentations on the streets. On August 1st I arrived back home in Kona.

Visiting with my mother on the way to Paris.

The Eiffel Tower at night

Participants in the summer of service.

Those in the seminar I taught during the first week in Paris.

Cultural and dance presentations

Cultural dance presentation